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West Hills Kitchen

The kitchen in this 1930s home was a collection of mismatched finishes and discontinuous surfaces. The project approach was clarity via small moves with big impact in the name of budget-consciousness. New cabinet door and drawer fronts were fabricated for the sturdy existing cabinet boxes, all painted to match. A small relocation of one base cabinet turned an awkward corner into a focal point of expansive walnut countertop. Ill-fitting appliances that wasted space were replaced with models specified to fit just right. The selective removal or modification of two upper cabinets created a more open feel where needed. Refinishing the existing hardwood floor to match the rest of the house's flooring integrated the kitchen with the other main floor spaces. Every design move was made with improved cohesion and modest budget in mind, with results greater than the sum of the project's parts.

designed in collaboration with Chad Kraus

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